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Riot - Thoughts on Riot's new album, Immortal Soul

I know there was a running topic for the "Wings Are For Angles" but was does everyone think about the new album? I plan to do a write-up later today or early tomorrow for my site Heavy Metal Time Machine (cheap plug!) and I must say I love it. I am trying to be fair and balanced since I've always liked Riot but honestly I have not listened to them much over the past few years. This is the first new album of theirs I have bought since probably Thundersteel although I've heard bits and pieces of their past few albums. With that this album is good. Songs like "Riot" and "Insanity" kick serious ass. The whole album is just interesting and goes from near thrash to Euro-style metal. Tony Moore sounds great as does the rest of the band. Anyone else have the album and if so thoughts?
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Hmm, i thought the first song, "Riot" was awesome, but, to me, the rest of it sucked horribly.
Having said that, i'm a huge fan of the early (Guy Speranza and Rhett Forrester) line ups of Riot, so a reformation of the "Thundersteel" line up didn't much excite me anyway.
Even so, it's much worse than i'd have thought possible.
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Really? I mean "Riot" does shred and the rest of the album dosn't hold a candle to it but even so I thought it was pretty solid and has more good points then bad. I like how it has many different flavors. It will never be as good as Fire Down Below but I thought it sounded damn fine.
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It's just a matter of taste i suppose, the singers voice really got on my nerves.
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I think the new album is absolutely terrific. Rather than getting on my nerves, I think Tony Moore's performance on the album is just out-of-this-world brilliant and one of the best metal vocal performances since Thundersteel or the Keepers albums. The album I think is great all the way through - the first song is a burner, but the rest of the songs are very enjoyable too. An easy 10/10 in my book.

For reference's sake, I love the Guy Speranza and Rhett Forrester eras of RIOT as well. The first RIOT LP I heard was Restless Breed and I was blown away. I also loved Born in America and then I checked out the earlier LPs, loving Fire Down Under and most of Narita and Rock City. When Tony Moore came into the band and Thundersteel was released, I was in heaven, and I saw them on that tour, an all-time concert highlight. As for the Mike DiMeo era, I did not like his vocals one bit. Very monotonic and boring to my ears. The music often veered towards bluesy hard-rock and that combined with DiMeo's bad singing, really made those albums a chore to hear. So I was really excited when I heard Moore was back in the band and the band were returning to the Thundersteel style. And the new album lived up to my expectations. I've listened to it dozens of times and I've only had it a week or so.
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The first song surely is the best on the album, the rest is nevertheless better than former offerings ...
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I think it's a decent enough metal album. It made my top 20 after some deliberation. Verges a bit close to power metal in places but its good all the same.
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I thought this album was a fair effort , i don't think they could ever deliver the classi thundersteel sound that i was expecting to relive on this release after reading many reviews.
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Great album, but not a contender for album of 2011 thats for sure...
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Also Wings Are For Angels>Riot.
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Was not digging this at all...unfortunately
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OK, I know it's just my opinion but I think the best vocalist in RIOT were Guy Speranza and Tony Moore. I never cared for Rhett Forrester, Mike DiMeo or any of the more bluesy sounding midrange vocalist. Although I do like the songs Restless Breed & Showdown (Rhett Forrester) as-well as Dragonfire (Mike DiMeo). (axe1)
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Easily thier best in 20 years, the lead guitar and vocal are amazing, probably the best metal release of 2011
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I love the new album. I thought it was a fine return to the sound they created with Thundersteel and Privilidge of Power. I've been a Riot fan for over 20 years after hearing the album Rock City. Shortly afterwards I managed to get the rest of the albums and a year later they released Thundersteel. While I thoroughly enjoy all era's of Riot I liked the metal approach the band had with Tony Moore on vocals. I also thought that compared to the other Riot vocalists (Forrester, Dimeo), he did the Guy Speranza stuff really well live. I was fortunate enough to catch this band in concert in San Antonio in 2009. I also saw the Dimeo fronted version of the band in 1999 and 2004 but sadly never got to see the Speranza or Forrester fronted versions.
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i agree with witchcross on this one the new riot album is a killer one 10/10 from me as well , yes my favorite albums are thundersteel and privilege of power so how i can i not love this album great melodies and riffs awesome vocals and an overall great album i loved it
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