Artist: Beherit
Release: Karjalantalo, Joensuu, Finland [Bootleg] (1992.02.08)
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Finland (Rovaniemi)
Bitrate: FLAC
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1992.02.08, Karjalantalo
Joensuu, Finland
VHS - DVD - VOB to WAV w/ Prism - WAV - Audacity - FLAC.
I know this was from an original VHS source b/c the bootleg says so. There is some tape warbling, but I only remember it happening twice, once barely noticeable, and the other for about 2 seconds. The bootleg itself is very nicely made. And for some reason it includes the lyrics to The Gate of Nanna on the inner insert (double folded, see through back cd holder, nice insert quality paper, etc.)
One of the nice things about trying to adjust the amplification, bass, and treble is catering to a sound I like to a great extent. So, I always go for the more visceral the better. This may have a little redlining and there is an annoying buzz (from the venue) that pervades songs in-between. I would give it a B, but that is because I have tuned it to my taste. The DVD source audio is also B in my opinion, just low volume. Some tapers prefer more clarity sacrificing rawness. I prefer blast your F*cking face.
bootleg: https://www.discogs.com/Beherit-Live-Jo ... se/5676759
I have included the WAV and VOB files in a separate, vastly larger (1.79 GB) additional link., though the WAV file will need to be edited yourself (with the FLAC version).
1. Thou Angel Of The Gods (2:18)
2. Sadomatic Rites (3:49)
3. Nocturnal Evil (3:16)
4. Black Arts (3:11)
5. The Gate Of Nanna (4:42)
6. Werewolf, Semen & Blood (4:35)